Ingame name: Reece_Burgan
Information about yourself: My name is Reece Burgan, im 16 years old, And i speak really good english.
Why would you make a good admin: Why would i make a good admin? because i have had quite alot of admin experience in sa-mp servers and this also includes roleplay servers. i've been playing since SFS, and i was a level 3 admin because of my dedication to the server. Also, i am a mature person and i am friendly to everyone, i will help players who need help, i will deal with rulebreakers using the correct punishment, depending on the seriousness of what they've done (like if they decide to use cheats i will spectate them first to check if they are or not, and if they are i will ban them)
Why do you think you should be selected over any other person who is applying: Well, because i have alot of experience in sa-mp as an administrator and because i have been playing since SFS. And because i know that Jack_Rocker trusts me.